
Showing posts from May, 2024

Reflections on the first year

The first term: Having been a Deputy Headteacher for 5 years, and teaching in the same school since my NQT year, moving schools and stepping down a rung of the leadership ladder to be an Assistant Headteacher was an incredibly daunting decision.  On the one hand, I loved the commute, an hour each way to 'down tools' in the car and reflect on strategy and to think clearly, or time to listen to some of the incredible education based podcasts or listen to audiobooks. On the other hand, I wasn't present enough at home, with two daughters under 5, I was missing out on too much, and not feeling as so I was around to help out as much as I would like. I was leaving later and later in the morning, with the constant panic of the clock versus traffic. I had to put family first, and luckily I was able to join a school 10 minutes away that I knew staff at, that I also knew would fit my values.  The first term was one of the toughest terms I have experienced. The students were fantastic,